About Us

You Imagine it, we build it!

Innoflexion Technologies

Innoflexion is a leading Silicon Valley software services and product engineering company having operations across USA, Ukraine & India.

We bring that fresh approach to product development with our co-dev model. We have our skin in the game and engage with our customers at each product journey from concept, design, architecture, development, testing, DevOps, and right down to support.

We are a young, nimble, and agile product dev shop focused on high-quality innovation and engineering services. As a dev partner, we are engaged with multiple startups to bring their product concepts to life. We’ve enabled these high-performing products in their journey from launch to a successful business, followed by exits. 


Projects Executed




High Caliber Technologists

Innoflexion About Us Header
Innoflexion About Vision

Our Vision

Our vision is to build the most respected company in the technology industry focused on helping clients transform into more collaborative and efficient enterprises. Our journey is guided by integrity, a strong positive attitude, and a commitment to add value.


People come first! To be a great place to work where people are inspired and empowered to realize their dreams.


To work with our customers and vendors as their trustworthy partners. Strive and build a long-term relationship and create enduring mutual value.


Highly effective, lean and agile organization. We strive to be the best.

Our Team

As a team, we bring that fresh approach to product development with our co-dev model that can immensely benefit companies like yours.



Product Architect & CTO
Tech Enthusiast and career performance architect. Eager to Tactyle challenges in mobile application space to help create a successful vibrant mobile enabled ecosystem.
Shruthy H

Shruthy H

Full-Stack Engineer
Hi, I'm Shruthi a self-taught, design thinking full-stack JavaScript Web Developer, carrying the development of back-end and front-end codebases.


IOS Platform Engineer
Mobile App enthusiast, as an iOS engineer Tactyling SDK to capture user events and activity.


Sales Manager
Peter Peter Sales Manager As a sales manager, I am responsible for helping Tactyle grow through exciting new business opportunities. I work closely with the marketing team to identify new avenues for growth, and never turn down a good chance to network.
Shruthy N

Shruthy N

Lead Engineer
Tech geek and full-stack web and android developer. Having fun Tactyling the analytics dashboards and developing Android SDK!


Product Owner & CEO
As a product owner responsible for vision, strategy and development of Tactyle. Working with prospect and customer to help realize the game changing potential of Tactyle


Product Architect & CTO
Tech Enthusiast and career performance architect. Eager to Tactyle challenges in mobile application space to help create a successful vibrant mobile enabled ecosystem.
Shruthy H

Shruthy H

Full-Stack Engineer
Hi, I'm Shruthi a self-taught, design thinking full-stack JavaScript Web Developer, carrying the development of back-end and front-end codebases.


IOS Platform Engineer
Mobile App enthusiast, as an iOS engineer Tactyling SDK to capture user events and activity.


Sales Manager
Peter Peter Sales Manager As a sales manager, I am responsible for helping Tactyle grow through exciting new business opportunities. I work closely with the marketing team to identify new avenues for growth, and never turn down a good chance to network.
Shruthy N

Shruthy N

Lead Engineer
Tech geek and full-stack web and android developer. Having fun Tactyling the analytics dashboards and developing Android SDK!


Product Owner & CEO
As a product owner responsible for vision, strategy and development of Tactyle. Working with prospect and customer to help realize the game changing potential of Tactyle

If you can imagine it, we can build it!

As your Co-Dev partner, we help you focus on your customers and investors while we build your dream.

Why engage with us?

We don’t have any lock-in term contracts. We offer flexible engagement models, cancel anytime, and free trial deals. 



We aim for excellence; we want it right the first time, on budget, and on time.



We understand and value agility and hate waste.



Delivered 100’s of Projects


Skin In The Game

We are open to models that incentivize us on outcomes rather than traditional customer-vendor arrangements. Our engagement model combined with our company culture makes us much more aligned and committed to your success.


If You Can Imagine It, We Can Build It

As your co-dev partner, we take ownership of all technical aspects from concept, and product development to launch. Allowing you to focus on your customers and investors while we build your dream.


Value For Money

We have the agility and nimbleness to help you succeed in the start-up world. At the same time, we have the maturity to handle enterprise projects. We have the perfect blend of high-caliber talent and cost-effective budget offerings.


Size Doesn't Matter

Whether you are a founding team just starting off, or a corporation wanting to engage a cutting-edge tech partner. What excites us, is your idea. Our team knows to adapt to varying needs from small to large customer bases.


Trust & Transparency

We take on engineering ownership (full/shared) for your product. We take pride in what we build. We do this in an open environment, where you can engage and collaborate directly with anyone on our team


Steady Progress

Weekly Status Calls for Project Updates, Steady Progress in Milestones.


No vendor ‘lock in’​
Our work talks and you will want to keep us.



Retain control within the client organization – collaboration at every stage of project life cycle.


Effective Governance

Strategic, Tactical and Operational Governance.



Code Visibility and Access to Application. Cloud Hosting & Online Source Control.



Our focus is on tangible deliverables not 50-page reports.


Steady Progress

Weekly Status Calls for Project Updates, Steady Progress in Milestones.


No vendor ‘lock in’

Our work talks and you will want to keep us.

Innoflexion is a leading Silicon Valley product engineering and software services company having operations across USA, Ukraine & India.


Stay in touch with us to receive the latest technology and digital transformation insights.

Copyright | Innoflexion | 2024

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